
Sunday, November 4, 2012

6 ways to get the guts to talk to your crush.

1. Set the date. Circle the day exactly a week from now on your calendar so that there’s no way you can chicken out. For each day from now till then, write something positive about yourself. By the time that date comes along you’ll radiate with confidence that he can’t miss.
2. Do your homework. We’re not talking algebra here. Go ahead and do a li’l harmless creeping on his Facebook or Twitter to find out his interests and hobbies. We bet you two have something in common you can chat about. Just don’t confess that you were reading up on him, unless you want him to defriend you.
3. Know your strengths. It’s important to relax and recognize what makes you worth his while. If you’re passionate about a certain topic, why not talk to him about it and impress him with all you know?
4. …And plan ahead for your weaknesses. Tend to get tongue-tied when talking to a cute guy? Plan an emergency open-ended question in case you get stuck. “So what are your plans for the weekend,” or “What did you think of the History test?” always work without fail. 
5. Go shopping. Whether it’s the mall or your BFF’s closet, a new date outfitbrings a new ‘tude. Choose one that turns heads and drops his jaw (he’s gotta open his mouth to talk to you anyway, so you’re just one step closer).
6. Remember, it’s not the end of the world. So what if you don’t snag an invite to the movies or he doesn’t ask for your number? None of that means you did anything wrong. Most guys are just shy and you should be proud of yourself for stepping up to make the first move. If he’s not interested, move on to someone who does respond to your newfound flirting skills.

Friday, October 19, 2012

The ABC's of lovin' your bod. and yourself!!! :)


Accept yourself. If everyone popped out of the same “perfect” mold, how boring would society be?

Be confident. We’re gonna let you in on a little secret: The more you rock your bod, just the way it is, the more other people are gonna think you look amazing—and trustus, you do!

Can the complaints. When you feel that familiar whine erupting from your lips, shove it back down. New rule: No more voicing what you don’t love about you.

>> Dare to bare. No, we’re not saying you should go streaking. But do be willing to flaunt your features instead of covering them up or disguising them.


Embrace your shape. Sure, it could change, but why waste time looking forward to a what-if when you can live it up in the skin you’re in?

Flaws? What flaws? You might hate your muscular thighs, but ya couldn’t master that back handspring without ‘em.

Get active. The more you put your body to the test, the more you’ll be able to appreciate what it is capable of.

>> High five! Give yourself major kudos for the features you L-O-V-E, like your totally toned upper arms.


In with the new. Sick and tired of the way you look? A quick change, like a hair cut or a bright coral lip could give ya something fresh to smile about when ya glance in the mirror.

Jump right in. Feeling like you don’t fit in with a new group? Get busy and you’ll stop worrying about how there all blondes and you’re a brunette, or how they’re doing sprints in short shorts while you’re wishing you’d pulled on running tights.

Kick up your karma. Compliments make everyone feel better, so make it your mission to offer up one genuine compliment every single day. People will pay ‘em back in spades—makin’ you feel doubly awesome.

>> Love those around you. You know the little voice in your head that provides running commentary on the gals walking by? This one’s totally broken out today, that one’s hair looks like a rat’s nest. Boot the judgmental Jiminy Cricket outta your head and focus on applauding your fellow girl for how fab she looks (and acts).


>> Make merry. Even on your most down-in-the-dumps day, there is something for you to be cheerful about, whether it’s the great grade you got on a geography test or an afternoon loaded with sunshine after weeks of rain. Look for the silver lining, and you’ll find it.

Nix the negative. It’s easy to think you’ll never achieve your wildest dreams, but if you keep telling yourself you won’t, trust us, you’ll never get there. Borrow some positive energy from the Little Engine That Could, why don’t ya?

On the other hand… So you don’t have a six pack. So what? You do have killer shoulders thanks to swim practice. Switch up your sour thoughts and you’ll be feelin’ proud of yourself again in seconds.


Put on a happy face. Smiling is infectious, so pretty soon the babes you’re beaming at will smile right back. Cheers!

Quit the shtick. You know that scene in Mean Girls where the Plastics hold a group gab fest about what they hate most about themselves in front of a mirror? Yeah, don’t do that. Ever. If your buds strike up the negative body talk, change the subject, stat.

>> Rock out. Turn on some inspirational tunes you can let loose to. Our pick? “Beautiful” by Christina Aguilera. Word!


Snack smart. The mere thought of a handful of M&Ms gets ya salivating, but if you know you’re gonna beat yourself up about a li’l indulgence later, head  yourself off at the pass with a healthy snack, like apple slices dipped in peanut butter.

>> Tell the world. Don’t be shy to open up about what you love about yourself. You’re encouraging, affirming words will help others learn to love themselves more, too. Try starting a Tumblr devoted to gorgeous gals who don’t fit conventional ideas of beauty, or focus on songs, gifs and other things that express what you’re feeling as you try to conquer your own self doubt.

Up, up and away! Don’t let yourself get dragged down by other girls’ trash talk. Some chickies never think anything negative about themselves until they hear other hunnies doing it. So set a good example for the youngin’s—and your peers—by zipping your lips and ignoring the body bashing.

Vroom vroom! Crank up the adrenaline coursing through your system by taking a little risk—flying down a hill on your rollerblades, kicking it up a gear in spin class, leaping on the newest roller coaster. Adding a dose of excitement will make you thrilled to be livin’ the high life.


Workout remix. You’ve been doing pilates videos religiously four days a week, but still aren’t seeing results. Instead of getting disheartened, change up your workout sched to add in new moves that’ll work your muscles in different way. Cardio kick-boxing? Ballet? You bet!

X off some major to-dos, like participating in a breast cancer walk, carving a super-complicated pumpkin or making a three-course dinner for your family.

Yes you can! Repeat after us, you can conquer the world. Break your goals into baby steps and leap each hurdle at ya come to it. Wanna do 10 pull-ups this year in P.E.? Start by mastering push-ups and the plank, then trying some dips on the pull-up bar.

>> Zest for life. Couch potato-ing your way through middle school will make you feel lazy, and that’s no good for healthy self-esteem. Make a promise to yourself to do one thing each day that you feel good about, whether it’s a quick 15-minute workout or trying a new hairstyle or starting a new book or going ice skating with your buds. Live it up, lady!

--- Thanks to for this post.


Friday, October 12, 2012

30 Days Of Crafts For October

Creepy Crawly Dirty Cupcakes 

1 box of chocolate cupcake mix (and all the ingredients for it!), 1 can of chocolate frosting, 1 pack of crème filled cookies (like Oreos), 1 bag of gummy worms (or other gummy bugs), 1 fork, 3 bowls
  1. Bake cupcakes according to the box instructions.  You can make them a little bit bigger than they suggest. There will be less, since they are bigger (around 18 cupcakes instead of the 24 that the recipe called for). Make sure you bake them all the way through!
  2. While the cupcakes cool, make the filling.  Put about 15 cookies in a sandwich bag and crush them with a can or a rolling pin. Then, mix the crushed pieces with a few spoonfuls of frosting (about 5 heaping spoonfuls).
  3. Use a bread knife to cut the tops off of the cupcakes. Save them on the side. Using a fork, scrape out some of the inside of the cupcake onto a plate. 
  4. Fill the hole in the cupcake with the frosting-cookie mixture.
  5. Frost the cupcake top and place it back on top of the cupcake, so the filling is hidden.
  6. Mix 4-5 more crushed cookies in with scraped out cupcake insides and sprinkle it on top to look like dirt. 
  7. Top with a gummy bug and gross out your friends at your Halloween bash with these “dirt” cupcakes.  
Black Cat Pillows
Hand sewing needles, black thread, 1/2 inch black or pink button, black pillow, 2 1/2 inch crystal buttons, white embroidery floss

  1. Thread a long needle with black thread; sew the 1/2 inch button to the center of the pillow, stitching all the way through & pulling thread tight, forming cats nose.
  2. Sew crystal buttons above nose to make eyes.
  3. Thread an embroidery needle with 2 strands of floss. To make whiskers, make a small stitch on one side of nose; tie thread ends together & trim to about 2 inches long. Make several more whiskers on each side of nose in this way.

     Chevron Glitter Pumpkin 
    Pumpkin (real or fake), paint (any color), paint brush, painter’s tape, glitter, glue
    1. Paint your pumpkin any color of your choice and let dry.
    2. Use the painter’s tape to tape around the pumpkin in a zigzag line. Do this multiple times to achieve the chevron pattern.
    3. Where you see pumpkin, paint on glue.
    4. Add glitter on top of the glue and let dry.
    5. Shake off excess glitter and peel off the tape to reveal your chevron pumpkin!

     Mummy Pumpkin

    Pumpkin (real or fake), white gauze tape, 2 big googly eyes, pumpkin carving knife, glue
    1. Take carving knife and cut out a small mouth.
    2. Wrap gauze tape around the pumpkin, avoiding the mouth.
    3. Use glue to secure tape.
    4. Glue on googly eyes.
    5. Wrap around more gauze tape so that eyes appear to be peeking out.

     Creepy Peeper Claws 
    Black nail polish, white nail polish, clear top coat, toothpick
    1. Paint your nails with two coats of black nail polish (optional: as a base coat you can paint your nails nude before applying the black).
    2. Take white nail polish and create dots on each nail.
    3. After the dots dry, take the end of a toothpick and use the black polish to add a smaller dot in the center of each white dot. This makes them look like creepy peepers!
    4. Once nails have dried, apply a clear top polish to prevent chipping.
      Ghost Cookies 

    Can of vanilla icing, chocolate chips, Nutter Butter cookies
    1. Dip Nutter Butters in vanilla icing
    2. Place two chocolate chips on the cookie to act as eyes. You can use tweezers for this to keep the icing from smudging.
    3. Place in refrigerator for 30 minutes to set icing, then serve.
     Chalkboard Pumpkin 

    Newspaper, a pumpkin (real or fake), chalk (any color you choose), chalkboard paint (black), paintbrush
    1. Spread out newspaper somewhere outside so you don’t get the paint 
      1. Clean off your pumpkin to make sure it doesn’t have any dirt on it and dry it well.
      2. Paint on the black chalk paint covering the whole entire pumpkin. It doesn’t have to be too thick.
      3. Let it dry for 24 hours.
      4. Decorate your pumpkin with chalk. You can even use glow-in-the-dark chalk to make it extra spooky!

       Creepy Candy Carrier 

      Plastic sand bucket, 2 big goggly eyes, athletic tape, glue
      1. Wrap athletic tape around bucket and glue in place.
      2. Glue on googly eyes and let dry.
      3. Collect your candy!

       Candle Crawlers 

      Mini pumpkin, tea light (you can get festive using pumpkin scented ones!), black pipe cleaners, pumpkin carving knife, glue, scissors
      1. Carve out the inside of the pumpkin.
      2. Cut pipe cleaners and bend so they look like spider legs.
      3. Glue pipe cleaners around pumpkin, or cut holes and push them in.
      4. Add tea light in the center of the pumpkin.

       Wicked Wreath 

      A Styrofoam wreath OR a wreath shape cut out of cardboard, a feather boa (you can use black, orange or purple), some small Halloween accessories (eye balls, little pumpkins, spiders, skeletons), a hot glue gun.
    1. Start to wrap your feather boa around the whole entire wreath. Glue the end down, and glue the boa to the wreath every few inches. Do this until the whole wreath is covered and the boa is secured.
    2. Randomly glue the Halloween accessories to the wreath to make it scary!

     Studded Pumpkins 

    Fake or real pumpkins (fake used here), silver and gold spray paint, pearl push-pins, silver thumb-tacks (from Walmart)

    1. Spray paint your pumpkins. I did two with just silver and one with gold spray paint. I did two coats on each pumpkin.
    2. Allow your pumpkins to dry overnight.
    3. Decide how you would like to decorate your pumpkins with the accessories! For gold studkin #1, I carefully pushed in the pearl pins every inch down each groove all around the pumpkin. For silver studkin #2, I covered one whole section of the pumpkin with silver push-pins. For studkin #3, I made a star design around the stem and base of the pumpkin, sometimes connecting the points with a single line of studs.

     Creepy Peeper Bangles 

    Googly eyes in all different sizes (from any craft store), some inexpensive bangles (try Claire's, Forever 21 or a thrift shop), hot glue gun
    1. Using the hot glue gun, glue the googly eyes onto the bangle, starting at one end and working your way to the other (this will help you make sure they all fit).
    2. Allow the glue to dry completely until it is cool before you wear your creepy craft!

     Vampire Pumpkin 

    A little pumpkin, a set of vampire fangs, 2 red push-pins (you can use anything really, like thumbtacks!), spoon, carving knife, ruler or tape measure
    1. Measure the vampire fangs with your ruler, then mark this same length onto your pumpkin where his mouth will go. Make your markings about two centimeters longer than the vampire fangs.
    2. Cut the rectangle out of the side of the pumpkin. You will insert the vampire fangs through this whole, so it should be a tiny bit longer than the fangs are.
    3. Remove the insides from the pumpkin with your spoon.
    4. Insert the vampire teeth into your pumpkin.
    5. Push in the push-pins where you would like his eyes to go.
    6. Note: You can paint your pumpkin before you do this if you want a colorful vampire. Let it completely dry before you start carving!
     Glitter Spider Webs 

    Wax paper, Elmer’s glue (refrigerated for several hours), glitter, spatula
    1. On a sheet of wax paper, draw your spider web with Elmer’s glue. It can be any size or shape that you want.
    2. Sprinkle your web with glitter and let it sit overnight.
    3. Set your web down in a safe place to let it dry completely. The next day, shake the extra glitter off. The drying process can take up to 2 days, so be patient!
    4. Once your glitter web is completely dried and the glue is hard, use a spatula to carefully and gently separate the web from the wax paper.
     Halloween Spider Cookies 

    45 pretzel sticks, 1 cup peanut butter, 30 mini Reece's Pieces
    1. Place chocolate chips and shortening in microwave on high in 30 second intervals, stirring in between, until chocolate is smoothly melted.
    2. Dip one side of 15 of the crackers in the chocolate. 
    3. Place the cracker (chocolate side up) on wax paper to dry. 
    4. Break the pretzel sticks in half, and dip the unbroken end of each one in the chocolate.  Place on wax paper to dry. 
    5. Take the 30 mini Reece's Pieces, and using a toothpick place a dot of melted chocolate in the center to make the eyes. Allow to dry.
    6. When the dipped crackers and pretzels are dry, take one of the 15 remaining undipped crackers, and spread with peanut butter. 
    7. Take 6 of the dipped pretzel sticks, and place 3 on each side of the cracker, to make the legs. 
    8. Take one of the dipped crackers, and smear a little more peanut butter on the undipped side, place peanut butter side down on the other cracker to make the spider. 
    9. Take two of the mini Reece's Pieces eyes, and put a small dot of melted chocolate on the back.
    10. Place the eyes on the chocolate cracker to complete the spider.
    11. Place your pretzel spiders in the refrigerator to set.
    Spooky Black Cat 

    1 paper plate, 1 piece of black construction paper, black paint, pink pom pom, 3 black pipe cleaners, 2 googly eyes, glue, scissors
    1. Cut your paper plate into the shape of a crescent moon. From the leftover plate piece, cut a smaller crescent moon shape.
    2. Paint both of the crescent moon shaped-plates with black paint.
    3. While the paint is drying, use scissors to cut the shape of a cat head out of the construction paper. Think a circle head with two triangle ears!
    4. Glue your two googly eyes and pom pom down to make up the cat’s eyes and nose.
    5. Cut each pipe cleaner in half.
    6. Attach three pipe cleaner pieces to each side of the cat’s face for the whiskers.
    7. When the paint dries, glue the finished head onto the larger crescent moon.
    8. Lastly, glue the smaller crescent moon to the bigger crescent moon to make your cat’s tail.

     Edible Frankensteins 

    A bag of marshmallows, bag of green confectionary coating chocolate, chocolate sprinkles, pop sticks, black food decorator pen
    1. Melt the green chocolate in a bowl.
    2. Push pop stick in a marshmallow and dip in the chocolate.
    3. Immediately afterwards, dip the top of the marshmallow in chocolate sprinkles. The melted chocolate will help the sprinkles stick!
    4. Let the chocolate dry.
    5. Once dry, use the pen to draw on Frankenstein’s face.

     Monster Magnets 

    1. Bottle caps, paint (any color you want), googly eyes, black marker, pipe cleaners, circle magnets, glue, modeling clay, scissors
    2. Depending on what bottle cap you have, you may have a fun color to work with already! If not, paint the bottle cap and let dry.
    3. Attach googly eyes with glue.
    4. Cut pipe cleaners about a cm long each and glue above eyes to act as eyebrows.
    5. Take a black marker and draw in a mouth.
    6. To make into a magnet, take a piece of modeling clay that will fit inside the bottle cap and glue it in.
    7. Glue the magnet onto the modeling clay.

     Halloween Bat 
    1 empty and clean egg carton, 2 googly eyes, glue, black paint, white paper, scissors
    1. Use your scissors to cut out the part of the egg carton that you’ll need. Trim off everything but three egg pods.
    2. On the two outer egg pods, cut one side in scalloped edges; and for the other side trim them down to the bottom of the egg pod.
    3. Paint the entire egg carton black.
    4. Once the paint has dried, attach the googly eyes to the middle pod with glue.
    5. Lastly, cut your white paper into the shape of a spooky and fang-filled bat mouth. Glue it below the googly eyes.

     Lollipop Ghosts 

    Tissues, markers, lollipops, yarn or ribbon
    1. Take a lollipop and place it in the middle of a tissue.
    2. Use yarn or ribbon to tie a bow around the tissue at the base of the lollipop’s stick.
    3. Use markers to draw a face on the tissue paper over the candy part of the lollipop. You can get as creative as you want with your ghost’s facial expressions. 

     Dirt Cake 

    2 boxes instant chocolate pudding, 1 box instant vanilla pudding, 6 cups milk, 1 and 1/2 containers of Cool Whip, 1 and 1/2 packages of Oreos, lots of gummy worms
    1. Put your pudding and milk in a bowl and whisk for about 2 minuets
          1. 2. Put the pudding in the fridge.
      1. Put Oreo cookies in a zipped, plastic bag and crush them.  You can use a rolling pin, your hands, or even your feet for that part.
      2. Lightly mix cool whip into your cold pudding.
      3. Take your serving dish and put a thick later of Oreo cookies on the bottom and put some pudding on top.
      4. Throw in a couple of worms. 
      5. Make another layer with cookies, pudding and worms.
      6. On your top layer, cover with cookies and arrange worms to look like they're digging.

      1.  Pumpkin Patchy

      Artificial pumpkin, fabric of choice, fabric scissors, hot glue gun, ribbon of choice (optional)
      1. Find a clean surface to work on
      2. Plug in the hot glue gun, tip: put a piece of paper or a napkin under the hot glue gun so that glue does not get on the surface
      3. Cut out a piece of fabric
      4. Apply glue to the edges and corners of the back of the fabric
      5. Place the fabric on the pumpkin
      6. Hold the fabric in place for about 10 seconds
      7. Repeat steps 3,4, and 5 until the pumpkin is completely covered in fabric patches
      8. If you are using ribbon: Cut the ribbon the same length as the piece of fabric
      9. Apply the hot glue to the piece of ribbon
      10. Attach the piece of ribbon to the pumpkin, tip: try to cover all fraying of the fabric with the ribbon
      11. Hold the ribbon in place for about 10 seconds
      12. Repeat steps 8, 9, 10, and 11 until all the sides of the fabric are covered with ribbon

     Pinecone Owl

    A pinecone, black fuzzy string (from any craft store), yellow felt (you can use construction paper or a candy corn too!), googly eyes, hot glue gun
    1. Measure and cut enough string to wrap around your pinecone, you can wrap the whole thing or just half!
    2. Wrap the pinecone and glue the ends to the back of the pinecone to secure them.
    3. Glue the googly eyes onto where an owl’s eyes would normally be.
    4. Cut a little triangular beak out of the yellow felt.
    5. Glue on the beak.

     Spider Drink Cubes 

    Spider rings, scissors, ice tray, water
    1. Rinse off the spider rings so they aren’t germy!
    2. Snip off the ring parts of the spiders so they fit in each ice cube mold.
    3. Fill up the ice tray until about a centimeter from the top.
    4. Place one spider into each ice cube mold in the tray.
    5. Let it freeze over night for some freaky refreshments!

     Black Lace Candles 

    A votive candle, a plain clear votive candle holder, black lace ribbon (from any craft store), hot glue gun
    1. Put a few tiny dots of hot glue onto the base of the candle votive holder—do one glue dot at a time as you are wrapping the lace around it (just so it doesn’t dry up). Do this around the top of the votive also, but make sure they’re tiny so you don’t see the glue dots from the outside.
    2. When you have finished wrapping the votive, make sure the lace is secured around the whole thing.
    3. Drop your candle inside and you have a pretty lace candle that will cast creepy shadows when lit!

     Candy Corn Cookies

    Sugar cookie mix or premade cookie dough (you can even use chocolate cookies), candy corn
    1. Follow the directions for mixing your cookie batter carefully—don’t forget to preheat your oven to the correct temperature. Bake your cookies.
    2. After your cookies are finished baking, let them cool for about ten minutes.
    3. While they are still warm, press one or more candy corns into the center of each cookie.
    4. Allow your cookies to cool for about twenty minutes, then enjoy!

     Milk Jug-o-Lantern 

    Empty milk jugs, a pencil, black sharpie marker, a strand of decorative lights (white, orange, or purple), an X-Aacto knife (or scissors, but the knife makes it easier)
    1. Make sure your milk jugs are clean before you start.
    2. Cut a hole into the back of your milk jug—make it towards the bottom so that it is less visible. The hole should be large enough to fit your hand into.
    3. Using a pencil first, trace the face or design you would like onto the front of the milk jug.
    4. Mark over your final design with your sharpie marker. Color in all the areas that need shading.
    5. After your sharpie shading has dried, ball up the light strand and put it into the hole at the back of your Jug-O-Lantern. Leave enough of the end out to plug it into the wall.
    6. Plug it in and enjoy!

     Candy Corn Nails
    Yellow, orange and white nail polish; clear top coat
    1. Paint your whole nail with one coat of white polish to make sure your polish shows up opaque and not sheer. Wait a few minutes for the first coat to dry.
    2. Paint your whole nail with two coats of yellow nail polish. Wait a few minutes for this coat to completely dry.
    3. With a steady hand, paint ¾ of your nail orange, leaving the top ¼ yellow. Do two coats of this. Be careful to keep the lines as straight as possible between colors. Leave this to dry for a few extra minutes—take your time, with more coats of paint it’ll take a little longer to dry each time.
    4. Next, paint the tips of your nails white. Do two coats of this being careful to keep your lines straight. Allow this all to dry for about five minutes.
    5. Finally, paint on your top clear coat to avoid chipping. Dry for ten minutes.

     Glitter Spider Rings 
    Spider rings, clear spray paint with glitter (black glitter, silver glitter) or metallic spray paint (silver, bronze, gold), newspaper
    1. Lay out your newspaper outside, or somewhere safe that won’t get too messy with spray paint.
    2. Lay out your spider rings a few inches apart.
    3. Spray paint your spider rings covering every inch of the ring. THe more glitter spray you apply, the thicker the glitter will be. If you are using metallic spray paint, do two coats.
    4. Allow your rings to dry for 24 hours before you wear them!

    October 31: Happy Halloween!
    Take some time to enjoy all your creepy creations and eat some candy!!!!

    Happy Halloween!!!!