
Friday, September 28, 2012

Cool Website for when you are bored!!!!


I found this cool website, its about random quizzes, its really fun!!!!!! You should try it!!!


-Sammi <3

Saturday, September 22, 2012

10 Confidence Boosters

We all have days when we need a little ego-jumpstart, we're giving ya 10 things that'll boost your mood in 10 seconds flat. 

1. You're your own worst critic, right, girlies? So nobody is better to boost you than yourself.  Throughout your day, give yourself mental pats on the back whenever you do something just right.

2. Tend to the senses by spritzing on your fave perfume that makes you feel oh-so lovely. Mmm...

3. Be a body language expert. Your opinion, and those of people around you, is affected by tons of things, including open body language. Stand up straight, uncross those arms, and just let it happen.

4. When you force a smile, your brain can't tell if it's real or not.  Guess what it does in times of doubt?  A simple grin sends out some feel-good chemicals called seratonin to zoom your mood all the way to the top.

5. Keep your fave photos of you and your crew handy for those times when you're feeling less than perfect. Good memories will jolt ya back into happyland.

6. Acknowledge your favorite features and give yourself some credit where credit is due. Love your eyes? Your butt? Your freckles? Your laugh? Recognize!

7. Pick an idol. Find a person you admire a great deal, be it a do-gooder celeb, family member, friend or teacher. What is it you admire about them? Look for similar qualities in yourself, or strive to reach them.

8. Treat your bod right by finding just 30 minutes a day for a brisk walk or quick indoor workout routine. You deserve it, and it'll battle pent up stress.

9. Take time out every day to treat yourself--and don't always plan it. Bake cupcakes after school, go for a bike ride with your sib, or watch a fave old cartoon from when you were a tot.

10. Start noticing the beautiful little things in others and you'll start to see them in yourself.
--Sammi <3 

( thanks to for this wonderful post!!!!! ) 

Friday, September 21, 2012

20 ways to peace out when school's got ya down....

Between schoolwork, game day and the general anxiety that comes with being a girl in the 21st century, there’s a lot to feel stressed about. But letting all that tension building up can spell disaster for your mind and your body. Bust it with 20 easy ways to find a moment of zen in your busy sched. Om…

Before you get out of bed…consider the dreams you had the night before. Try to reconstruct them, ponder what they mean and laugh over silly things you said or did.

During your morning routine…practice mindfulness. Instead of letting your thoughts wander to everything you have to accomplish today, focus instead on the things you’re doing here and now, like the feeling of your toothbrush’s bristles against your gums or the softness of your hair as you brush it out.

In the shower…use scented body washes and hair products that calm your senses. These could be favorite scents, or something more typical, like lavender. 

At breakfast…give yourself a chance to play with your food. Cut up fruit to make faces in your cereal, use cookie cutters to shape your toast. The point is to do something that makes you smile and feel like a kid again, even if it’s just for ten minutes in the a.m.

On the bus…pull out your iPod and plug in to a special playlist. Opt for your favorite artists, songs that evoke happy memories or simply tunes that are mellow and soothing.

At your locker…keep things organized. Even when life seems to be out of your control, knowing that you have a space where Y-O-U reigns supreme will give you a measure of confidence.

During homeroom…take a moment and break down your day into manageable tasks, like taking a quiz in history or turning in last night’s homework in chem. Write this list down in your planner so you stop thinking about it, and be sure to periodically pull it out and cross off the items you’ve completed.

In the hallway…Stall freak-outs by concentrating on your breathing as you march toward class. Breathe rhythmically in time with your steps—left foot inhale, right foot pause, left foot exhale, right foot pause, and so on. Slowing down your breathing will get you back in control of your thoughts and keep your mind on something other than an upcoming exam.

In math class…give yourself a pat on the back when you get something right that you’ve been struggling with. Instead of competing with others in your class who might be having an easier time with the material, focus on breaking problems down into their essentials, and solving them. When you do, indulge in a moment of private self-congratulation before you move on to the next problem.

At lunch…eat something that you really, really like. We’re not giving you free rein to scarf down a pile of pizza and fried food. Instead, eat healthfully—you’ll feel better if you do—and treat yourself to one item that you can savor. It could be a piece of fruit you brought from home, a baggy of kettle corn or a cookie. Whatever it is, eat it last and enjoy it.

In between classes…make a detour to a bathroom and run the underside of your wrists under cool water for 30 seconds. Focusing on your pulse points will help you get anxiety under control.

During gym…use your warm-up to ward off stress. Ease into deep stretches, activating all the muscle groups you can. Breathe deeply, and you’ll feel nervous energy taking flight.

During study hall…get lost in a daydream. Let go of all of the restrictions of real life and enjoy a fantasy for 15 minutes. Imagine yourself accepting an Oscar, or going on a first date with the guy you’ve been crushing on forever.

After school…give yourself time to unwind doing something you love. Set aside a half hour when you aren’t thinking about homework, tests, projects—anything that stresses you out. Dive in to a fun activity you can lose yourself in. Setting an alarm on your cell phone will ensure that you don’t go over your allotted free time.

During practice…give yourself a Little Engine That Could-style pep talk. A self-confidence boost could be all that’s separating you from the starting lineup.

At the dinner table…direct conversation toward topics you actually enjoy discussing. If you leave the convo to Mom and Dad, they might decide to drill you on your already stressful day because that’s the first thing that comes to their minds. Take the initiative to incite chatter and you might actually enjoy it. Bonus? It’ll take your mind off of that stressful day.

Two hours before bedtime…stop multi-tasking. Turn off your computer and stow your cell. Multi-tasking can create a feeling of urgency, which winds you up when you should be relaxing.

Before ya hit the hay…grab a journal and scribble down your thoughts about the day, and what’s coming up tomorrow. Writing down the events and emotions that stress you out  let’s your mind release them, so you can focus on other things.

When you turn out the lights…close your eyes and focus on relaxing your entire body, bit by bit. Start with your toes, then move up to the arch of your foot, your heel, your ankle. Continue ‘til you get to your head…or fall asleep.

Anytime…laugh it up. The act of laughing boosts your immune system and triggers the secretion of feel-good chemicals in the body. Make a funny face at yourself in the mirror, trade bad jokes with a friend or watch a sitcom.

-- Sammi <3

( thanks to for making this post possible!! )

Sunday, September 9, 2012

100 awesome things to do this school year!

Slip on your stellar back-to-school duds, grab your backpack (and your bestie) and get ready to make this school year your best one yet. From great grades to fab first dates, cool weekend ideas and cafeteria funnies, we've got 100 ideas--uh huh, 100--to take this school year from average to A+, no extra credit work necessary.

Hola, chica. Practice your language skills outside of class with your friends…or a foreign exchange student.
Take younger students under your wing and pay it forward. 
>> I <3 vintage. Go BTS shopping at a local thrift store.  
Grab some props and have a photo shoot. Floppy hats, sunglasses and paper mustaches are a must.
Go digital with apps that’ll help ya out with school. Think homework helpers, planners, dictionaries and more.
Not interested in any of the clubs at school? Grab some friends and start a new one.
Go vegetarian for a day.
Makeover! Play beauty parlor with your friends with the latest issue of GL. Try out runway and celeb trends and adjust for a perf school-appropriate look.
Mimic your fashion icon with a celeb- or real girl- inspired outfit.

Throw a back to school bash (no homework allowed).
Try out for the school play. Not into acting? Try your hand at stage crew.
Wear a brightly colored eyeliner.
Get out of your comfort zone by trying out for an extracurricular activity.
Make back to school cash by babysitting with your BFF.
Practice a fancy new signature with your fave pen.
>> Pick up a new instrument in music class and give it a try.
Make room in your closet for fresh fall picks with a yard sale. Donate whatever you don’t sell.
Dress up old outfits with colorful belts, pins and jackets.
Send BTS e-cards to your friends.

Compare celebrity crushes at lunch with your besties.
Get creative and make colorful new covers for your textbooks.
De-stress with a long bath after school.  Bubbles required. Rubber duck optional (but recommended).
Have a dance party in your bedroom.
Start a game of kickball after school and ask your crush to be on your team.
Practice dancing with your besties before the next school dance and be ready to whip out some Beyonce-brilliant moves.
Create a secret language between you and your friends.Try out new buzzwords (like Gretchen's "fetch" in Mean Girls) or codes for your notes.
Whip up a new after-school fruit smoothie. Delish.
Be the talk of the game with a homemade school spirit t-shirt. You’ll need a plain white tee and fabric markers in your school’s colors.
>> Start a blog ( that's what I did ) 

Make a list of superlatives and hand them out to friends like at an award ceremony. 
Help that cute guy brush up on his math skills by become a tutor. 1 + 1 = new BF?
Play touch football. Color coordinate with team colors (and dare we suggest matching manis?).
Volunteer to do the morning announcements.
>> Decorate your locker with pics of you and your BFFs.
Schedule a library date with friends to catch up on school and each other.
Do 100 crunches.
Mail a letter to your friends from camp.

Make new friends by sitting at a different lunch table.
Get wild with an animal print top.

Make a “do not disturb while studying” sign for your bedroom door.
Try a funky new ‘do. Braided bun? Hair chalk?
Make it a potluck day in the caf and share lunches with your BFFs.
>> Knit a fall scarf to stay warm in the halls.
Make a BTS playlist. Play it in the mornings to get you pumped up while you get ready.
Redecorate your room to reflect your new school style.
Rehearse a secret handshake for you and your BFF to do in the halls.
Stargaze before it gets too chilly.
Stock an emergency kit for your locker. Mints, deodorant, hair ties, safety pins, lip gloss and extra pens and pencils are all a must. 
Make anonymous posters congratulating classmates on achievements big and small.

Get a co-ed group together for laser tag.
Put on an apron and try a new recipe.
Talk to that hottie!
Get out some paper and pencils and sketch your dream homecoming dress. Got a sewing machine? Make it!
Want to be the next class president? Try your luck at politics by running for student government.
Have a picnic at the park while the weather is still nice.
Grab your BFF and make friendship bracelets with some eye-catching beads.
Ace the pull-up bar this year by working those muscles. Hit the gym with a bud, or work your way up from 10 to 50 pushups.
>> Impress your peers by baking cupcakes for your class. Frost them in school colors for spirit week, or get permission to set up a frost-your-own-cupcake bar on a half day. Yum!
Jazz up a plain t-shirt with tie-dye.

Make it a ladies’ night and go to the school dance with your BFFs.
>> Be the first to raise your hand in class.
Pass around a doodle book to share artwork with friends.
Get up early one Sunday morning and make a huge brunch spread for your fam.
Bake cookies for your BFFs birthday. Bring them to the caf for a lunchtime birthday bash. Don’t forget to sing happy birthday!
Get CPR certified.
Add a new element to your brown bag lunch each week. Quinoa salad? Check!
Start a donation center at school for old clothes, shoes, books or toys.
Use a different colored pen or highlighter for every class.
Can’t focus on that homework assignment? Take a break and do 50 jumping jacks.

Make your own trail mix and bring it to lunch.
Decorate your school schedule. Use highlighters, markers and plenty of color.
>> Score a perfect 100 on a test.
Sleep in on Saturday. You deserve it!
Give yourself a boost by wearing wedges to class.
Glue old knickknacks to magnets and glam up your locker.
Hit the dollar store for fab bargain school supplies.
Get your 15 minutes of fame by trying out for the talent show.
Dress up old sneaks with fab new laces.
Visit an animal shelter after school and sign up to volunteer. Taking care of animals = instant stress buster.

Get chatty with a new friend on the school bus.
Take an exercise class that intimidates you, like cycling or belly dancing. If you hate it, ya don't have to take it again. But if you love it, hello amazing new way to get in a sweat sesh!
>> Make a list of books to read by the end of the semester...and read them!
Volunteer to be team captain (or goalie!) in gym class.
Have a weekend movie marathon with your bestie.
Plan a party for something dorky, silly or adorable, like a birthday party for your local zoo's new panda, a congrats party for your bestie's 10th perfect vocab test score.
At lunch, come up with cute code names for your chicas…and their crushes.
Bling out your folders with glitter glue and gemstones.
Shake up your weekend with go-karts and sundaes.

Write a short story starring you and your BFF.

Study party! Organize a game of Jeopardy to help you and your besties study before a big test.
Channel your inner rockstar and get your besties together to shoot a music vid.
Sign up for a self-defense class.
>> De-stress with some karaoke.
Frame your favorite piece of artwork and keep it in your room.
Swap your fave books with a friend and get together to discuss the character drama.
Challenge your crush to a foot race after school.
Volunteer with your friends on the weekend. Soup kitchens always need helping hands.
Organize a clothing exchange.
Rock glitter nail polish on your finger and toenails. Show off the glam pedi with open-toed shoes while ya can.

Thanks to for the ideas!

TTYL XOX ---Sammi

Hello! I need more members....

Hiya Everyone!
I would really like some more members to my blog. So will you please become a member, I would really love it if you would!!
TTYL XOX --Sammi