
Sunday, November 4, 2012

6 ways to get the guts to talk to your crush.

1. Set the date. Circle the day exactly a week from now on your calendar so that there’s no way you can chicken out. For each day from now till then, write something positive about yourself. By the time that date comes along you’ll radiate with confidence that he can’t miss.
2. Do your homework. We’re not talking algebra here. Go ahead and do a li’l harmless creeping on his Facebook or Twitter to find out his interests and hobbies. We bet you two have something in common you can chat about. Just don’t confess that you were reading up on him, unless you want him to defriend you.
3. Know your strengths. It’s important to relax and recognize what makes you worth his while. If you’re passionate about a certain topic, why not talk to him about it and impress him with all you know?
4. …And plan ahead for your weaknesses. Tend to get tongue-tied when talking to a cute guy? Plan an emergency open-ended question in case you get stuck. “So what are your plans for the weekend,” or “What did you think of the History test?” always work without fail. 
5. Go shopping. Whether it’s the mall or your BFF’s closet, a new date outfitbrings a new ‘tude. Choose one that turns heads and drops his jaw (he’s gotta open his mouth to talk to you anyway, so you’re just one step closer).
6. Remember, it’s not the end of the world. So what if you don’t snag an invite to the movies or he doesn’t ask for your number? None of that means you did anything wrong. Most guys are just shy and you should be proud of yourself for stepping up to make the first move. If he’s not interested, move on to someone who does respond to your newfound flirting skills.