
Sunday, August 26, 2012

How To Get Ready For School In Time

I don't know about you guys but it takes me FOREVER to get ready for school, here are some tips...

1. Lay out the next day's outfit the night before so you can save time in the morning by being able to quickly get dressed. You don't want to waste precious time in the morning looking for an outfit to wear.

2. Wake up early, ideally an hour to an hour and a half before you leave for school. The earlier you get up, however, the more time you will have to get ready for school.

Wake up early, ideally an hour to an hour and a half before you leave for school.
3. Confirm that your homework is done

                                                        Confirm that your homework is done.

  • If homework is incomplete, work on it before school, during study hall, or even during lunch if it is due that day.
  • If you find yourself with incomplete homework day after day, re-evaluate your plan for doing your homework.
  • Do not cheat on your homework if it is not done.

4. Take a shower.

Wash your hair at least every other day and wash the rest of your body everyday. People will admire you if you have a pleasant smell, and they will stay away from you if you don't.
  • If your hair gets tangled easily or you like your hair looking shiny, condition your hair every single time it gets wet.
  • Never use a brush after taking a shower, use only a comb on wet hair

5. Apply deodorant

6. Brush your teeth. Don't ever forget to do this because brushing your teeth gives you fresh breath- and resilience against cavities!

  • Remember to brush the roof of your mouth and your tongue.
  • Floss your teeth at least once a day.
    • If you are rushed in the morning, hold off on the flossing until the night, so you will have the time to do a good job!
  • You can chew whitening gum if you absolutely cannot brush your teeth, but try to do this as little as possible.   

Brush your teeth.                                                                         Wash your face with a good facial cleanser and warm water.

7. Wash your face with a good facial cleanser and warm water. After your face is cleansed, apply moisturizer that is suitable for your skin type.

8.Style your hair.

  • Before you do anything, comb or brush your hair out.
  • Try not to use curling irons or flat irons every day-too much direct heat can ruin hair

9. Dress to impress.

10. Don't worry about what others think of youBe confident.

11. Pack your lunch, or money to buy lunch, if needed.

12. Eat a well-balanced, healthy breakfast.
  • Orange juice and even grape juice is full of vitamin C.
  • Not only does it give you stronger teeth and bones, milk is packed with vitamin D.
  • Never skip breakfast

13. Check yourself again in the mirror before you leave for school. You don't want to arrive at school in your pajama bottoms!

14. Leave for school with your head up and your mind ready to learn!

Have fun at school!!! 

( I got these ideas at ) 
<3 Sammi


  1. Good advice! I will use it tomorrow at my 1st day of school!

    "Life's short. Make the most of it."
    "You can't change the past, but you can change the future."
    "Live, Love, and Laugh!"
